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New York Criminal Charges professionally defended.
Over 10,000 Criminal Cases handled since 1987
We are in court everyday handling Criminal and Traffic cases.
Over the last 30 years our representation has resulted in thousands of
Criminal Charges throughout New York State being reduced or dismissed.
In Case of Emergency
Text Gary S. Miller Esq. at (631) 624-4000
Gary Miller, Esq. has been defending criminal cases for over 30 years. The firm handles all criminal cases, including complicated white collar cases, narcotic cases, violent felonies, driving while intoxicated and driving with a suspended license cases. Having established experience and dedication in the field of Criminal Law, the Law Office of Gary S. Miller can be trusted to aggressively defend you while insuring that your rights are protected. The firm include five of counsel criminal attorneys, all of whom are former prosecutors. We are result driven and will do whatever is necessary to insure that you receive the best possible outcome.
If you have been charged with a crime or about to be charged with a crime, its best to retain a criminal attorney immediately. Early intervention by a criminal attorney at times can prevent the police or prosecution from establishing a case. In addition, In New York, once a criminal charge is filed, a number of legal time limits begin to run. A delay in retaining an attorney may result in a missed opportunity to be heard on certain issues, request various hearings and relief, and the opportunity to receive certain types of discovery such as supporting depositions. For those who have been arrested and placed in custody, retaining a criminal attorney at the onset can make the difference between being held in custody during the pendency of the case or being released while the case is being resolved.
If you or someone you know has been charged with a criminal charge
you should consult with an attorney immediately.

Free Consultation
Please take the time to look through our website.
There is information that will help you understand the ins and outs of
New York Criminal Law and the New York State Criminal Court System
Please contact us at (631) 665-2200, email us at GaryMillerLaw@aol.com
or fill out an Appointment Form to schedule a Free Consultation
and we'll be in touch to arrange a convenient time.
For new arrest, in custody cases, cases where the defendant is scheduled to be arraigned in the morning, and other emergencies please text Gary S. Miller, Esq. at (631) 624-4000.
We will make sure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive proper legal representation.
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